Quick Tour


VioletScript is a faster version of JavaScript efficient as C# or Java.


  • Type checker is done.
  • Codegen is not yet done. It'll target either WebAssembly or C++.



var x: Number = 0

var y = 0 // y: Number

const z = 0

var w: * = undefined // '*' is the any type

function f1(): Number {
    return Infinity

function f2(): Number (

// you can shadow variables
function shadowing(): void {
    'use shadowing'
    const x = false
    const x = ''

function typeSystem(): void {
    const array: [Number] = []

    const tuple: [String, Boolean] = ['', false]

    const union: Number | undefined | null = null

    const nullable: null | Boolean

    const nullable: Boolean? // equivalent to previous constant

    // records are immutable structures
    const record: {x: Number, y: Number} = {x: 10, y: 10}

    // the following have equivalent types
    const record: {x?: Number} = {};
    const record: {x: undefined | Number} = {};

    // as you saw above, a record field is optional
    // when it can contain undefined.

    // function types
    const fn: (...arguments: [Number]) => void = () => {}

type D = Decimal;

function nullability(): void {
    // asserts that `o` is non-null and non-undefined;
    // returns a type without undefined and null.

    // optional chaining


An enum is an object...

  • represented in memory as a primitive number;
  • whose possible variants are associated with...
    • an unique user friendly string and
    • an unique number;
  • that can define custom properties;
  • that, where expected, a variant can omit its name through a string literal;
enum E {
    Y = 'y';
    Z = ['z', 10];

    function f(): void {

const e: E = 'x';
e.f(); // 0
e.valueOf() // 0
e.toString() // 'x'

const e: E = 0 // ERROR! number must be
// explicitly converted

const e: E = 'inexistent'; // ERROR! doesn't exist

Note that the default user friendly string is a conversion from SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (constant name) to screamingSnakeCase.


Flags enums have many methods by default, such as toggle() and filter().

enum F { X; Y; Z; }

const f: F = ['x'];
const f: F = {x: true};
const f: F = f.toggle('x');
trace('x' in f);
trace('x' not in f);


// generic class
class C.<T> {
    var x: T

    // constructor
    function C(x: T) {
        this.x = x

    // the type `T!` can be used to remove
    // any undefined and null from the parameter type.

Packages and Namespaces

// shares items to all scripts.
package q.f {
    const someString = 'violetscript'

import q.f.*;
import q.f.someString;

// block brackets are optional
package q.b;

// a namespace acts as a simple container for
// other items, similiar to a singleton.
namespace Q {
    class C {

    // define a function using the reserved word 'for'.
    // use '#' to escape a reserved word.
    function #for(x: Number): Number (
        x + 10



Everything is public by default, so you don't need to use visibility modifiers:

  • public
  • private
  • protected
  • internal

They're also verbose, so you may prefer using a _ prefix.

Type Testing

function typeTesting(): void {
    if (animal is falcon: Falcon && falcon.name.startsWith('F')) {
        // falcon: Falcon

    switch type (object) {
        case (long: Long) {
            // Long
        default {
            // anything else


const {} = o
const [a] = o

// use '!' to assert non-null
// and non-undefined
const [a!] = a
const {x!: {}} = o

({} = o); // destructuring assignment


Use include to:

  • Fragment a class into multiple files.
  • Specifying the initialization order of static properties by including scripts in the wished order.
include './anotherScript';


o.x and o['x'] are not the same thing as in ECMAScript. o.x and Reflect.get(o, 'x') are equivalent.


Auto-boxed types do not lose equality.

var x: Object = 0;
var y: Object = 0;
assert(x == y);


class C {

Note that six lexical decorator names are reserved in different contexts.

  • Flags is reserved for enum
  • Value is reserved for class
  • DontInit is reserved for clas
  • Metadata is always reserved
  • Allow is always reserved
  • Warn is always reserved
  • FFI is always reserved

You can still use these decorator names if they're in a namespace or package:

class C {


A class must implement IMarkupContainer for supporting children in markup.

// equivalent
var o = new C
o.x = Infinity
var o = <C x={Infinity}/>

Markup syntax is not based on XML and cannot contain text directly. There are different ways of adding text:

<Container><Text text='Some text'/></Container>
// if child type can be string
<Container>{['Some text', 'Another text']}</Container>

Primitive Types

  • Boolean
  • String
  • Number
  • Decimal
  • Byte
  • Short
  • Int
  • Long
  • BigInt

Code Safety

  • Assignments are only allowed in proper contexts, otherwise that would lead to productivity issues.
  • You will use the ! operator very often, including in destructuring, for asserting that a base is not undefined and null.