
function f(): void {

function fWithRequiredParameter(a: Number): void {

function fWithOptionalParameter(a: Number = 10): void {

function fWithRestParameter(...a: [Number]): void {

function fWithExpressionBody(): String (

// native function
native function fNative(): void;


A function is a generator if it uses the yield operator.


  • Generator functions return a Generator object, which is an iterator.
  • A generator function finishes returning undefined.
function f(): Iterator.<Number> {
	yield 10;

const iterator = f(); // Iterator.<Number>
iterator .next(); // {done: false, value: 10}
iterator .next(); // {done: true, value: undefined}

Asynchronous Functions

A function is asynchronous if it uses the await operator.


  • Asynchronous functions return Promise.
  • Any thrown errors will reject the Promise.
function f(): Number {
	await a();
	return 10;

Generic Functions

function genericFunction.<T>(): void {