
This section lists some runtime details and general optimizations.

Single Item Insertion

The following call takes only one argument, so do not create an throwaway Array for rest arguments:


Constant Number Iteration

The following can be optimized by skipping the creation of the Generator instance and skipping handling the step parameter.

for each (var i in Number.range(0, 10)) {
    // procedure

String Representation

String is either original or a slice of another one. When the type is auto boxed, this is not the case.

Auto Boxing of Value Types

Value types are interned on auto boxing. Primitive types like Number are interned in more depth, for example, values under < 512 are looked up into a particular collection, Strings are divided into collections by length and Boolean is simply binary. These internation collections should preferably consist of weak references whenever possible in the host environment.

Any Type Representation

  • In native host environments, for the * type, a undefined value is identified by variant 0, null by variant 1 and anything else is an actual Object reference address.

Union Type Representation

Union types are structural, however they are differentiated by member order. The first variant starts by the number 0.

// undefined = 0
// RegExp = 1
type UoR = undefined | RegExp;

// RegExp = 0
// undefined = 1
type RoU = RegExp | undefined;

Math methods

Things like min(), max() and clamp() can be optimized according to given arguments ahead of time.

  • min() with 2 arguments
    • Specialized types as it takes *
  • max() with 2 arguments
    • Specialized types as it takes *
  • max() or min with a list of numeric arguments of the same type
  • clamp() with specialized types