Include Directive

Combines statement sequence from a script with the current statement sequence.

include './anotherScript';

This also allows for partially implementing classes, similiar to C#'s partial classes. For example:

class C {
    var x: Number = 10;

    include './foo';


function f(): void {

Path resolution

  • You do not need to specify the .vs extension.
  • You do not need to specify index.vs when resolving to a directory.
// if './core' is a directory, the following lines
// are equivalent:
include './core';
include './core/index.vs';


It is allowed to define packages in an included script as long as it is included from a top-level context:

// foo.vs
include './bar';

// bar.vs
package q.b;


include inherits the scope from where it is included.

// foo.vs
include './bar';

class C {

// bar.vs
var x: C?;